About GfK
What sets GfK apart, and what makes it unique?
The passion, enthusiasm and drive always to serve our customers and partners, matched with honesty, openness and respect.
That’s us – that’s GfK.
Unsere Zukunftsausrichtung
Wir verfügen über ein hohes Maß an Nachhaltigkeit und sozialem Engagement:
(R)Evolution im Dienst
Wir leben das „Culture-Fit“, wir entwickeln Werte die der Unternehmer, wie die Mitarbeiter gleichzeitig schätzen. Damit Mitarbeiter ihr Verhalten ändern und unsere Philosophie der Agilität verfolgen, müssen sie Erfahrung mit agilen Teams und Regeln machen. Agile Teams haben einen hohen Kommunikations- und Interaktionsbedarf. Sie sind fit für die Digitalisierung und Eroberung der neuen Welt.
Wir ermöglichen unseren Mitarbeitern permante Schulungen bei Versicherern und Factoringbanken. Wir ermöglichen unseren Mitarbeitern die Weiterbildung zum CCM und CCC. Zusätzlich zu den Sales- und Führungskräftemeetings gibt es einzelne Gruppenmeetings in wechselnder Besetzung. Es gibt eine Altersversorgung durch ein „rückgedeckte Unterstützungskasse“ des Vorsorgebüros Berger sowie „Spendit-Cards“ für die Mitarbeiter.

Our philosophy
“We already have solutions to problems that have not yet arisen.”
Particularly in the last two years, we have reacted with great flexibility to unanticipated events and new requirements. We were not just reactive but, above all, proactive. This enabled us to provide our customers with essential assistance and support to enable them to overcome the crisis, in spite of limited decision-making. In this way, future growth was ensured.
Markets have acquired an extreme dynamism and acceleration. Who could have imagined 2 years ago that container prices would explode and that supply shortages would arise in purchasing, causing production to come to a standstill or orders not to be fulfilled. In our company, ideas for the future are not developed by individual specialists, but collectively, especially with our authorized signatories, and knowledge is continuously shared and expanded. In addition, there is a permanent and thorough exchange of ideas with our external business partners across all areas.
Ships can also be built in a storm. We have used the time with few visits and appointments on site to develop new pioneering products. This includes top-up solutions uniquely positioned in the market as well as our own retail and gastronomy policy – project: Robin Hood, the umbrella of protection for the gastronomy and retail sector. The concept enables secure sales to the restaurant and retail industry once the lockdowns have ended. The help and rescue of an entire industry. This sophisticated product allows for additional financing and granting of payment terms.
Meet our team
We have a high level of sustainability and social commitment:

Key Account Manager, Managing Director Germany, Head of Insurance & Financing
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Creative & Art Director, Managing Director Spain, Head of Innovation, Start-Up & Investment for the entire company group
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Do you have any questions? Then send us a message!
You have a question? Simply fill out our online contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Or contact us by phone or email at:
Phone: +49 (0) 221 / 88 88 57-0
E-Mail: kontakt@gfkmbh.com

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