Capital goods credit insurance
Our capital goods credit insurance
In capital goods credit insurance (IKV), deliveries of capital goods are insured for medium to long-term payment agreements (up to a maximum of 60 months). The insurer compensates the policyholder for the default of insured receivables.
Since these trade goods usually take several months or years from invoicing to final payment, they are generally referred to as long-term transactions (in contrast to short- or medium-term transactions with terms of up to 6 months, which can be covered by conventional trade credit insurance). Because of the comparatively long terms, the risk of bad debt losses due to payment difficulties or the insolvency of the buyer is disproportionately higher for capital goods.
The insurable risk generally starts at a size of at least 500 TEU and is open upwards. Coverage can be granted for buyers/customers based in OECD countries.
Within the scope of a capital goods credit insurance policy, in addition to the receivables from delivery until full payment, the manufacturing risk at the start of production is also insured. In the event of premature customer insolvency, all prime costs incurred up to that point are indemnified.
Your advantages with our capital goods credit insurance
GfK analyses the various options for taking out capital goods credit insurance for your company with the aim of presenting an offer tailored to your needs.
In our day-to-day work, we support and safeguard you in settling claims within the framework of our professional claims department.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require more detailed information.
Coverage a project business with capital goods credit insurance can become an essential building block in the management of your outstanding accounts by:
- High-quality credit assessment
- Calculable insurance premiums instead of incalculable bad debt losses
- Implementation of the dunning and collection procedure
- Extension of bank lines by securing your receivables or financing the project business by assigning the indemnity to your bank.
Further information on capital goods credit insurance
Particularly due to the individual upfront expenditures and special customised products in project business, the manufacturer receives planning security and reliable protection of his liquidity through capital goods credit insurance.
As a capital goods manufacturer, the policyholder enters so-called long-term transactions in production and credit periods. This means that the manufacturer assumes a financing function for the buyer/customer without, however, having the bank’s possibilities for risk assessment or bad debt protection, especially since in conventional trade credit insurance, only short-term business is possible regarding a credit period of up to max. 6 months.
Furthermore, these are often one-off customer relationships where there is no payment experience of their own.
Furthermore, the order volumes involved are regularly extremely high. The risk of bad debt losses is therefore much higher in the production and delivery of capital goods than in short-term revolving transactions.
The advantages of capital goods insurance (individual coverage) at a glance:
- Effective protection against bad debts for manufacturers and dealers of plant, machinery, and components
- Increased planning security due to non-cancellable credit limit during the entire term
- Comprehensive insurance coverage for the supplier credits you grant at home and abroad.
- Individually calculated, flexible contract design based on the agreed payment schedule in accordance with the closed project order
- Insurance coverage from the start of production | manufacturing risk
- Term for transactions up to 60 months.
- Liquidity and balance sheet protection.
- Improved refinancing possibilities through the assignment of compensation claims.
Do you have any questions? Then send us a message!
You have a question? Simply fill out our online contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Or contact us by phone or email at:
Phone: +49 (0) 221 / 88 88 57-0

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