Legal notices

Provider within the meaning of § 10 para. 1 no. 1 MDStV:

GfK Gesellschaft für Kreditversicherungsservice mbH
Holzmarkt 2
D – 50676 Köln

phone: +49(0) 221 / 88 88 57-0
fax: +49 (0) 221 / 88 88 57-55

Authorised representative within the meaning of § 10 para. 1 no. 2 and responsible person pursuant to § 10 para. 3 MDStV:
Winfried Vogt (Managing Director)
Cologne Registry Court
Register number HRB 28893
VAT identification number according to §27a: DE 2253 46008

Responsible for content within the meaning of §6 MDStV (German Interstate Media Services Agreement):
Winfried Vogt
GfK International mbH
Fischerfeld 2, 83334 Inzell
Managing Director Winfried Vogt
Registry Court Traunstein
Register number HRB 24175
VAT identification number according to §27a: DE300007748



The content of these pages has been carefully edited and checked. However, GfK Gesellschaft für Kreditversicherungsservice mbH (GfKmbH) assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided, nor whether it is up-to-date. Liability claims against GfKmbH that relate to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by incorrect or incomplete information are always excluded, unless GfKmbH has demonstrably acted with intent or gross negligence. GfKmbH expressly reserves the right to amend, supplement or delete parts of the site or the entire offer without prior notice or to discontinue publication.

Insofar as GfKmbH refers users directly or indirectly to external websites (“links”), GfKmbH is only liable if it has precise knowledge of the contents and it is technically possible and reasonable for it to prevent the use in the event of illegal contents. GfKmbH hereby expressly declares that at the time of linking the linked pages did not contain any illegal content. GfKmbH has no influence on the current and future design of the linked pages. GfKmbH hereby expressly dissociates itself from all content-related changes that are made to the linked pages after the links have been set. This also applies to external entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by GfKmbH. It is not responsible for the content, availability, correctness and accuracy of the linked pages, their offers, links or advertisements. It is not liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular not for damage caused by the use or non-use of the information offered on the linked pages.

GfKmbH endeavours to observe applicable copyrights in all publications. Should a copyright nevertheless be infringed, GfKmbH will remove the corresponding item from its publication after notification or make it identifiable with the corresponding copyright. All brands and trademarks mentioned on the website and, if applicable, protected by third parties, are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. The mere mention does not imply that trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties. GfKmbH alone has the copyright to its own content. Duplication of such graphics, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of the author.

Legal validity
This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the website from which this page was linked to. If parts or individual wording from this text do not, no longer or do not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected thereby.

Additional information on the EU Brokerage Directive

The GfK Gesellschaft für Kreditversicherungsservice mbH has received permission from the competent Chamber of Commerce and Industry and is accordingly listed in the register of brokers under Agent no. D-XE7O-P8FGP-48 as an authorised insurance broker in accordance with § 34 para. 1 of the German Trade, Commerce and Industry Act (GewO).

The entry in the register can be viewed at:

Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V.
Breite Str. 29
10178 Berlin

Tel.: 0180 500-585-0

or on the Internet at:

or at

IHK Köln
Unter Sachsenhausen 10-26
50667 Köln

Tel.: 0221 1640-0
Fax: 0221 1640-129

GfK Gesellschaft für Kreditversicherungsservice mbH does not have a direct or indirect interest of more than 10% in the voting rights or capital of an insurance company.

No insurance company or parent company of an insurance company holds a direct or indirect interest of more than 10% in the voting rights or capital of GfK Gesellschaft für Kreditversicherungsservice mbH.

Arbitration bodies for out-of-court dispute resolution in accordance with § 42 k of the Insurance Contract Act:

Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
Prof. Dr. Walter Römer
Postfach 08 06 32
10006 Berlin

GfK Gesellschaft für Kreditversicherungsservice mbH offers insurance contracts for

Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Graurheindorfer Str. 108
53117 Bonn

Tel.: 0228 4108-0
Fax: 0228 4108-1550

registered insurance companies in Germany that operate internationally.

© GfK Gesellschaft für Kreditversicherungsservice mbH 2018